
  • 23 Nov
  • 2012

Anti-Bullying Week at Platanos College

Platanos College is committed to raising awareness and tackling bullying. The Anti-Bullying Week begins on the 19th November with a full programme of... Read More

  • 3 Sep
  • 2012

Outstanding GCSE results our highest ever!

This year 81% of our pupils achieved 5 or more A*-C GCSE grades including English and maths! Congratulations to all... Read More

  • 1 Sep
  • 2012

Stockwell Park High School is now Platanos College

We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the links we currently have with our local... Read More

  • 27 Jul
  • 2012

Olympic Concert at Stockwell Park High School

The Olympic Concert involving the Beijing Symphony Orchestra and Lambeth Music Service took place at Stockwell Park High School on... Read More

  • 20 Jul
  • 2012

Notices for the new academic year

Uniform Shop. Changes to the Discipline and Behaviour Policy. Read More

  • 16 Jul
  • 2012

Business and Enterprise RISE Challenge

This academic year, our Year 9 pupils have been involved in the RISE (Rural India School Enterprise) Challenge, raising money... Read More

  • 14 Jul
  • 2012

Parade Day

Our annual Parade Day was a success with our Army Cadets, Scouts, St. John Ambulance Brigade and Girl Guides on... Read More

  • 11 Jul
  • 2012

Sports Day

Sports Day this year was immensely successful. Once again, pupils and staff alike took part with great enthusiasm in anticipation... Read More

  • 9 Jul
  • 2012

School Champion in anti-homophobic bullying

Stockwell Park High School is now a School Champion in anti-homophobic bullying working in partnership with Stonewall. Click here to find out... Read More

  • 5 Jul
  • 2012

Key Stage 3 Awards Evening

The outstanding achievements of our Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils were celebrated at the Key Stage 3 Awards Evening! Click here for... Read More